Monday, March 21, 2011

Report on the 7th CD Convention - Redwood Falls, MN - March 18 and 19, 2011

The 7th Congressional District Republican Party held their 2011 Convention in Redwood Fall, MN on March 19, 2011.

7 CD covers the western portion of Minnesota and includes the following counties: Kittson, Roseau, Lake of the Woods, Marshall, Beltrami, Polk, Pennington, Red Lake, Norman, Mahnomen, Clearwater, Clay, Becker, Wilkin, Otter tail, Traverse, Grant, Douglas, Todd, Big Stone, Stevens, Pope, part of Stearns, Lac Qui Parle, Swift, Kandiyohi, Meeker, Chippewa, Yellow Medicine, Renville, McLeod, Lincoln, Lyon, Redwood and Sibley.

The 2008-2010 7th CD Executive Committee were: Craig Bishop, Chairman; Betty Staebler, Deputy Chairwoman; John Nething, Treasurer; Doug Lindgren, State Executive Committee Vice Chairman; Mike Lokken, Secretary; and Vice-Chairs Ray Rivera, Don Hoversten, Marv Kading, Arles Kumpula, Brian Kohout, and Scott Dutcher.

The night before the convention, a banquet was held at the Redwood Falls Community Center and was well attended. The dinner was catered by Morgan's from Redwood Falls and was delicious.

Former United States Senator Rudolph Ely "Rudy" Boschwitz was a speaker. Boschwitz served in the United States Senate from December 1978 to January 1991, but was then defeated by Paul Wellstone.

To everyone's delight that evening, Boschwitz regaled the attendees with humerous stories about President Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the U.S.S.R. .

The keynote speaker during the banquet was former MN House Minority Leader Marty Seifert.

The next day at the convention in the Community Center, there were 264 Delegates/Alternates allotted with 194 actually seated which created a quorum. Marijo Vik was the delegate from Norman County and was in attendance.

The call to order came at 9:00 a.m., followed by an invocation, the posting of the colors, Pledge of Allegiance led by Betty Staebler and singing of the National Athem led by the Baumann Brothers.

Gary Revier, Mayor of Redwood Falls, welcomed everyone to Redwood Falls for the convention.

The convention call was read, with Chris Swedzinski (MN House of Representatives who represents District 21A) and Paul Torkelson (MN House of Representatives representing District 21B) elected as Convention Chairs. The following appointments were then made: David Nething, Sergeant at Arms and Chief Teller; Leonard Runck, Parliamentarian; and Raymond Rivera, Secretary.

Tony Sutton, Republican Party Chairman, addressed the delegates. Throughout the morning, various candidates for the 7th CD Executive Committee as well as for the Republican National Committeeman and Committeewoman addressed the convention, asking for their votes.

The Treasurer presented his report for the period from January 1 through December 31, 2010 which showed a beginning balance of $10,455.52, Total Income of $22,985.15, Total Expenses of $33,138.99 which left an Ending Balance of $301.68

Four proposed Seventh Congressional District Constitutional Amendments were considered: # 2011-01 adding a Preamble - passed after debate and several changes; #2011 - 02 concerning Article X - Consitution and Bylaws Committee members - passed without changes; # 2011-03 Article VIII - State Central Delegates - failed to make it to the floor; #2011-04 regarding Article V - added wording on Senate District vacancies - failed to make it to the floor.

Election of 7th Congressional District Officers took place in the afternoon.
  • Chair: Incumbent Craig Bishop and Pete Balega. Bishop won with 118 votes.
  • Deputy Chair: Incumbent Betty Staebler and Barb Chervestad. Chervestad won with 127 votes.
  • Treasurer: John Nething ran unopposed.
  • Secretary: Mike Lokken ran unopposed.
  • State Executive Committee Vice Chairman: Doug Lindgren ran unopposed
  • Vice Chairs: (Eight people running for six positions)

The convention was adjourned at 3:15 pm.